What is a Common Misconception about not following Regulations?

What is a common misconception about not following regulations?

a. It makes work more efficient

b. It relieves workers of their work

c. It makes work easier and faster

Answer: c. It makes work easier and faster.

Explanation: The manager and the employee believes that not following regulations will lead to happier employee because undergoing additional training for precautions and safety measures will not be necessary.

The only common misconception about not following regulations and other food safety practices is that; It makes work easier and faster. The majority believe that work is done faster when regulations are not followed compared to when every safety measure is put into practice.

This article gives detailed information about the implications of not following regulations, food safety measures, and an explanation on the question; What is a common misconception about not following regulations?

What is a common misconception about not following regulations?

what is a common misconception about not following regulations
what is a common misconception about not following regulations?

The common misconception about not following regulations and other food safety measures by both the manager and employee that it will make work easier and faster is not true. Not following regulations will expose food consumers to dangers such as food poisoning and other foodborne illnesses.

Food handlers are mostly responsible for food safety and food poisoning, and this is a result of not following proper food regulations and food safety precautionary measures. The World Health Organization (WHO), describes the major cause of foodborne illness as a result of bacteria and other infectious organisms gaining access to food before serving. The infectious organisms can only get to the food only when regulations and other food safety measures are not followed.

Implications of common misconception about not following regulations:

The misconception about not following regulations and other food safety measures will lead to;

• Lazy and Inefficient Workers: The first implication about not following regulations is leading to a bunch of lazy and Inefficient workers who do not care about the safety of food consumers.

• Increase in foodborne illness: If food regulations are not followed, the probability that food will be contaminated is high, and this in return will lead to an increase in the rate of food-borne illnesses.

• Inefficient Manager: A manager who joined his employee not to follow regulations and other food safety measures will eventually become an incompetent manager.

• Food consumers will be exposed to food poisoning: It is the responsibility of the food handler and the manager to make sure that food is safe for public consumption. Manager's most important food safety responsibility is to train others to follow food regulations. However, in a situation where regulations governing the preparation of safe food are not followed, such food will become poisonous for public consumption.

• Creation of vicious circle of diseases: Stomach-related diseases, vomiting, and diarrhea are likely to occur after eating contaminated food.

• Pests attraction: Unhygienic habits will attract pests and get food contaminated.

How to eradicate common misconception about not following regulations:

To eradicate a common misconception about not following regulations and other food safety measures, there must be;

Sanctions by the regulatory bodies on managers and employees that are found guilty.

Work examination by the regulatory bodies.

Proper lecture on implications of not following regulations.

Manager should encourage friendly employee relationships.

Train workers to be hardworking.

What is a common misconception about not following regulations?

Conclusion on a common misconception about not following regulations

A misconception about not following regulations that says that it makes work easier and faster should be abolished. It is not true because it will result in lazy and incompetent workers who will not care about the safety of the public.

Food handlers and the manager should make it a priority that training of employees, following regulations, and other food safety measures are put into place to ensure that food is safe for the public.

I'm a Nurse, wellness, and nutrition informant. I have worked with many health publishers in the past before creating InformantBlog InformantBlog.

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