7 Ways to Identify Piment Doux Serum Fake and Original

Piment Doux Serum Fake and Original

If there is any product that is fast to have a counterfeit version, then body cream lotion will take the number one position in the list. Just like there are fake food products everywhere, Just also there are Fake and Original Piment Doux Serum. Piment Doux Serum Fake and Original.

As the increase in demand for Piment Doux Serum increases, so is the production of the fake products increase. There are Piment Doux Serum Fake and Original being sold to customers out there today.

Piment Doux Serum fake and original
Piment Doux Serum

I have talked about the major side effects of Piment Doux in our last article. These side effects are likely to happen even when you use the original Piment Doux. But, today, the identification of Piment Doux Serum fake and original will be discussed extensively.

To identify the difference between Piment Doux Serum Fake and Original, there are important things to take note of on the container of the cream.

This article is aimed to highlight the 7 Ways to Identify the Fake and Original Piment Doux Serum the next time you want to buy it.

Firstly, you have to know that you can't identify Fake Piment Doux Serum by merely looking at it. It involves observing all the areas of the pack and also, making sure you remove it from the container before leaving the spot you bought it.

Removing Piment Doux Serum from the container and thoroughly checking the package will help you to detect if the product is fake or original.

I will be listing 7 things that differentiate the Fake and Original Piment Doux Serum. If you check out these 7 things, you will not end up buying Fake Piment Doux Serum.

First and foremost, let's talk about how to identify the original Piment Doux Serum.

How to identify original Piment Doux Serum:

1. Piment Doux Serum container is Bottle and not Plastic or Can.

2. It has a gold color bottle cover and is not yellow.

3. There is a silver line demarcating the cover of the container.

4. There is a BB logo on the Gold cover.

5. There is a triangle-shaped BB logo under the Bottle.

6. Piment Doux Serum is Yellowish and not Milk color.

7. It is light and not heavy.

8. It is made in Cameron

Piment Doux Serum fake and original

The above-mentioned qualities must be met before Piment Doux Serum can be called original. If any of these qualities is missing, then the product is simply fake.

Now that you know how to identify the original Piment Doux Serum, let's talk about how to identify the Piment Doux Serum fake and original.

Piment Doux Serum fake and original differences:

The major differences between Piment Doux Serum fake and original are;

1. The Container:

You should have it in the back of your mind that the Piment Doux Serum container is a Bottle. The original one is always inside the bottle while the fake ones are packaged inside plastic or can. Always go for the one inside the bottle if you need the original product.

2. The Bottle Cover:

The cover of the original Piment Doux Serum is Gold not yellow. There's a difference between gold and yellow color. When next you want to buy your Piment Doux, make sure you check the color of the cover and buy the one with the gold color. The fake ones usually have a faded yellow cover.

3. The Cover Design:

For the original Piment Doux Serum, the cover is designed with a silver lining that demarcates the cover. This cannot be found in the fake Serum. Look out for the product that has a silver lining on the cover.

4. The Company Logo:

On the original Piment Doux Serum, there is a BB logo unscripted on the cover of the container and also, a triangle-shaped BB Logo under the Bottle or the container of the cream. The fake ones don't have this Logo. And if they do, it might be in just one place, That is, It might only be on the cover or under the Bottle and not in the two places.

5. The content color:

Original Piment Doux Serum is Yellowish while the fake ones are milk color. People usually mistook the fake one for the original because the color looks like that of the original in the container. You have to make sure that the color of the serum you are buying is yellow and not Milk to avoid buying a fake Piment Doux Serum.

6. The cream Density:

The original Piment Doux Serum is lightweight while the fake one is heavy. When you put the original Piment Doux on your hand, it will draw and drop after some seconds or minutes.

7. The manufacturer:

Piment Doux Serum is made in Cameron. To differentiate between the original and the fake one, check the location of the manufacturer's company. If it is not Cameron, then the product is fake.

I believe with these differences cited, you should be able to detect the Piment Doux Serum fake and original next anytime you want to buy the product.

Fake original piment doux serum how does it work?

The fake Piment Doux Serum leaves your body with the product side effects which are: Skin Peeling, skin flaking, sunburn, etc. While the original gives you the desired result when used correctly.

The fake does not work in a good way. It only leads to skin reaction from the cream and also can damage the skin if not stopped.


Detecting Piment Doux Serum fake and original can be a tough job, however, with patience and enough observation, it is easy.

People who make and sell fake products were able to succeed at it because they know people don't check products very well before buying them. Therefore, they make sure that both the fake and the original look-a-like. Except you look closely and observe the above-mentioned differences in it, you might end up buying the fake Piment Doux Serum product.

I'm a Nurse, wellness, and nutrition informant. I have worked with many health publishers in the past before creating InformantBlog InformantBlog.

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